Her family taken by the sweating sickness, Willa runs away #backstory

Saved from the workhouse, raised secretly by the Order of Dominicans at Ludgate

We are out but we're not safe yet..

Her family taken by the sweating sickness, Willa runs away #backstory

Supported by the Corporation of London, Enterprise England, Tate Modern, the Museum of London, the award-winning team behind this progressive and new virtual reality style experience for citizens and tourists will be unmissable family show with it's 3d immersive sound and wraparound panoramic 180 and 360 film designed by Martyn Ware from Human League and Heaven 17, a magic script by legendary Hollywood Screenwriter Jim Hart (a favourite with Spielberg, Scorcese et al) with David Long Engish author and historian. These shows are like 'having Pink Floyd in your back yard' cool vintage film mixed virtual and augmented reality AR MR VR time out art music weekend vibe. In the show you'll visit underground and mainstream attractions including St Paul's Cathedral, the Tower of London, St Bartholomew The Great church, Blackfriars, Guildhall crypt, Denis Severs House, livery company Worshipful company of Apothecaries, and more.